We create a IOT based feedback system for a Zing systems. The solution will be direct response from the customers to understand their feedback for a product or a place where the system is in place. The reports generated and are shown in real time graphs to understand the sentiments for the product or a place and improvise on the quality of service.

Real time data capture

Hardware device will be integrated with our API system to get a realtime data from the customers.

Statistics and color coding

Realtime data collected is converted in constructive information for the company or officials to keep track of and act upon. The reports can be customized and created based on the user needs.

Every day report

Reports will be created on a daily basis and will be sent systematically to the officials to keep a check on the service and product quality.

SMS alert & escalation matrix

Incase of any bad feedbacks, SMS alters are sent to the officials in the escalation matrix which is configured in the system.